
Schedule A Meet & Greet

Regular, midday service is canceled on the following holidays.

With some notice, we’re happy to consider adding a visit to your home on these days. On the holidays that we have an available walker, we charge $40 per stroll with a $5 surcharge for every additional dog. Contact us to check our availability!

Month Day Weekday Holiday
January 2022 1st Saturday New Year’s Day
May 2022 3oth Monday Memorial Day
July 2022  4th Monday Independence Day
September 2022 5th Monday Labor Day
November 2022  24th & 25th Thursday & Friday Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2022 26th Monday Winter Holiday
January 2023 2nd Monday Day off for New Year’s Day


Tail Wags & Happy Parents

I love everything you guys do. You are super prompt about getting back to me about any questions or schedule changes, and every single employee assigned to our home has been so amazing with Ginger. I have 100% trust in Rover-Time that you are providing the best care for Ginger possible.

— Elise W., Ginger’s Mom

Schedule A Meet & Greet