Author Archives: Rover-Time

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November’s Delight: Pets Are Like Family

Rover-Time is inspired and delighted by Pets Are Like Family. Their mission is to help Chicago pet parents have a loving, responsible relationship with their pets by providing education, resources, counseling and referral services; to keep pets with their families and avoid pet relinquishment. Julia and Alicia Obando, it's founder, sat down for a special interview.

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Finding the Mutt of My Life

Adopting a dog is a huge responsibility, but also one of the most rewarding experiences. It’s high risk, high reward. It could be pure joy and happiness or frustration and anxiety.

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A Dog By Any Other Name

I want to share a little bit more about my rescue Squash, who happens to have a special connection to Halloween.

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Mark’s Barks Holiday Q&A: Halloween Edition!

Q. Should I dress my dog up for Halloween? – I. Crane, Massachusetts
A. Okay, I have to fight every fiber of my being to not just say “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!” because I think dogs in costume are basically the best. However, no less a source than the New York Times (blog) suggests that dogs don’t find it nearly as funny.

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